The Issues

Maggy Krell for Assembly: A Safe and Sound California

Public Safety

As Deputy Attorney General, Maggy Krell won the City of Refuge “Hero Award” for her work protecting survivors of sex trafficking. Throughout Maggy’s 20- year legal career she has supported women and children, particularly those who have been victims of violence. Preventing crime, protecting people, and helping those who have been harmed will be the focus of her work in the Assembly.

Young Californians

Maggy won a career achievement award from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children for protecting some of the country’s most vulnerable kids. A mom of two teenage boys, she’s coached youth basketball and serves on the board of the Sacramento Boys & Girls Club. Maggy will prioritize preparing young people for job opportunities and expanding programs for children in safe, clean parks and recreational facilities.


What’s happening today is unacceptable. Maggy served on her Neighborhood Association Board and will work with community leaders to ensure all Sacramentans have access to clean and safe sidewalks, parks, and schools.  She will collaborate with all levels of government to get people off the streets and expand support systems that help people rebuild their lives. Maggy will accelerate the use of available homelessness funds to increase housing opportunities and help those suffering from drug addiction and mental illness.

Prices, Paychecks, and Growing the Economy

Affordable housing is more than just the purchase price or paying the rent, it’s about earning enough money to put food on the table and create a good life for our families. Maggy believes that we should help local businesses prosper and in turn, they should pay living wages so that Californians can afford to live here.

California Values

As Planned Parenthood’s lawyer, Maggy defended reproductive freedom and access to health care.  When the Trump administration was ripping away immigrant children from their mothers, Maggy rushed to the border to provide free legal representation and reunite families. The Anti-Defamation League gave Maggy their “Sherwood Prize” for Combating Hate and Bigotry.  Maggy won the 3Strands Global Foundation’s “Modern Day Abolitionist Award” for her work preventing human trafficking.

Maggy has always been a force for good.

Maggy Krell for Assembly.